Showing 1 - 25 of 65 Results
Visible Hand The Managerial Revolution in American Business by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. ISBN: 9780674940529 List Price: $28.50
Strategy and Structure Chapters in the History of the Industrial Enterprise by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. ISBN: 9780262530095 List Price: $41.00
The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business by Alfred D. Chandler Jr. ISBN: 9780674940512 List Price: $56.00
Inventing The Electronic Century The Epic Story Of The Consumer Electronics And Computer Ind... by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. ISBN: 9780674018051 List Price: $23.50
Strategy and Structure Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Enterprise by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. ISBN: 9781587981982 List Price: $34.95
Shaping the Industrial Century: The Remarkable Story of the Evolution of the Modern Chemical... by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. ISBN: 9780674032217 List Price: $21.95
Shaping the Industrial Century The Remarkable Story of the Modern Chemical and Pharmaceutica... by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. ISBN: 9780674017207 List Price: $29.95
Coming of Managerial Capitalism by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., T... ISBN: 9780256032857 List Price: $63.95
Scale+scope by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. ISBN: 9780674789944 List Price: $55.00
Big Business and the Wealth of Nations by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., A... ISBN: 9780521481236 List Price: $126.00
Big Business and the Wealth of Nations by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., A... ISBN: 9780521663472 List Price: $56.00
Managerial Hierarchies by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., D... ISBN: 9780674547414 List Price: $11.50
Managerial Hierarchies Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of the Modern Industrial Enterprise by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., D... ISBN: 9780674547407 List Price: $33.00
Dynamic Firm The Role of Regions, Technology, Strategy, & Organization by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., H... ISBN: 9780198290520 List Price: $150.00
Efficiency As a Basis for Operation and Wages (History of Management Thought and Practice) by Emerson, Harrington, Jr., C... ISBN: 9780405123290 List Price: $19.95
Secret of High Wages by Austin, Bertram, Jr., Lloyd... ISBN: 9780405123146 List Price: $16.95
Bonds of Enterprise: John Murray Forbes and Western Development in America's Railway Age by Larson, John L., Chandler, ... ISBN: 9780875841557 List Price: $27.50
Precursors of Modern Management: An Original Anthology (History of Management Thought and Pr... by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. ISBN: 9780405123115 List Price: $31.95
Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower The War Years by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., E... ISBN: 9780801810787 List Price: $300.00
Railroads: The Nation's First Big Business Sources and Readings - Alfred D. Chandler,Jr. - L... by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., B... ISBN: 9780405137686 List Price: $23.95
Developing Expert Systems for Business Applications by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., L... ISBN: 9780675211024 List Price: $47.00
Inventing the Electronic Century The Epic Story of the Consumer Electronics and Computer Ind... by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., C... ISBN: 9780743215671 List Price: $40.00
Railroads: Pioneers in Modern Management-An Original Anthology (History of management thought) by Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. ISBN: 9780405123122 List Price: $27.95
Management by Lee, John H., Jr., Chandler... ISBN: 9780405123344 List Price: $16.95
Technique of Executive Control by Schell, Erwin H., Jr., Chan... ISBN: 9780405123405 List Price: $18.95
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